"My life, my personality and my work are in many ways the result of these travels; my own ones and of course the ones she talks me about. Thanks mum."

Luz y Vacío

This publication, “Light and emptiness. Highlands of Soria” was conceived in San Pedro Manrique and its surroundings during the summer of 2024. A personal Project by Gonzalo Fonseca, founder of Steve Mono.

"This small village in Soria, part of the “Empty Spain” called area, is the place where my mum was born and spent her early years until she had to move to the city to build a life. A real adventure and a test of strength that so many other very young women and men lived during a very difficult time period of time. A tribute to her, to that time and to so many round trips from the village to the city, trying not to forget her roots, and making my dad, me and my brothers feel part of them even when this was not easy. Since I was a child I fell in love with this place, this sky, this landscape, this people and their traditions… and in a way I am making the trip in the other direction; from the city to the village, trying to strengthen these roots."


Format: 110x165mm. Four-colour printing. Saddle stitching with a central fold-out in window format. 56 pages. Paper: Arena Bulk Natural 90gsm. Outer cover: 330x440mm. Two versions: blue 09 and chrome yellow 24 (Rapsodia).